Crucial to developing my music production workflow
By Brock H.
on Tuesday, September 11, 2018
| Verified Purchase
Brock H.
United States
I started using the Prosonic Studios libraries a few years ago. I own almost all of the Prosonic Libraries. They have been crucial to developing my personal music production workflow. I am able to save time and money by auditioning the different patterns and voicing variations provided in each set, rather than solely creating just a few of the files on my own from scratch. They have helped me be more creative in expanding my sequencing and composition abilities within Ableton and the other Digital Audio Workstations that I experiment with. I recommend at least trying out one of the Time Signature and Genre sets to see the benefits of purchasing these for yourself!
What you get for the price makes the value, priceless.
By Edward F.
on Tuesday, November 21, 2017
| Verified Purchase
Edward F.
United States
The midi loops that Prosonic Studios have provided me have just been simply wonderful. They're in time, simple to use, work with every plug-in I have and best of all. They work with any Beats Per Minute setting I give them. Every genera is covered. And that's just the DRUMS!! They have made putting music together incredibly easy and in turn saves a ton time and you end up getting a lot more done because of it. It's an amazing deal. What you get for the price makes the value, priceless. You can't beat it. Buy em! Now! Do it!